July 2021 Newsletter

Hello everyone,


I hope you are all as healthy and happy as possible wherever you are.  And that you are managing to live comfortably under whatever restrictions COVID-19 is causing at the moment.   For Australian readers, that’s likely to mean quite severe lockdowns for many of you this week.


Optimistically, we have re-scheduled our gathering of June’s community to talk about Our Next 10 Years from November last year to Saturday 30 October this year.  The details are included in the Newsletter.  This is likely to be a “hybrid” event, with some people in the room and others connecting in via videoconference.  If you are interested in being part of this gathering, please contact me for more details, or to let me know of your interest. The more voices the better, so please feel very welcome regardless of what role you played in June’s life, in my life or in the first 10 years of the Foundation.


2021 July – JCF Newsletter


Stay safe and bye for now,


Supporting causes so June’s spirit lives on as a catalyst for change.

We offer funding to organisations that align with the work undertaken by June during her life.