Our Next 10 Years

Weekend Workshop 30-31 October 2022


We originally created the June Canavan Foundation with the vision of June’s spirit living on as a catalyst for changeOur intention was to make the best possible use of June’s estate spread out over 20 years. Way back in September 2011, we made our very first two donations. We went on to provide a further 146 donations totalling $2,381.422 by March 2021.  So it was timely for us to reflect on what we had learned over the first 10 years of our life – so that we could increase our impact over the next 10 years. You can look at a presentation on our first 10 years here


So we planned a workshop for October 2021 to review the past 10 years and plan for the next 10 years. We called the workshop “Our Next 10 Years”We are grateful for so many people giving up their weekend to help us do this.  Facilitated by the wonderful Julia Keady, we heard from five of our existing beneficiary organisations representing our five cause areas:

  • Confident Girls Foundation – Sport
  • Wantaim PNG – Health
  • The School of St Jude – Education
  • Reefcheck Australia – Conservation
  • Into our Hands – Growing Giving


We also greatly benefited from the input provided by 21 members of June’s community who joined us via Zoom on the Saturday of the workshop.

Then it was down to work for the Board on the Sunday to consider all that we had heard.  A few months (and drafts) later and voila! – we had our new Impact Framework: 2021-2031 


Supporting causes so June’s spirit lives on as a catalyst for change.

We offer funding to organisations that align with the work undertaken by June during her life.